Stonehenge & Salisbury, england
Attractions Guide


Salisbury, England

Begin your day by visiting the town of Salisbury, which is home to the impressive SalisburyCathedral This cathedral features a marvelous exterior, but is famous for what's inside. The church ishome to the best surviving copy of the Magna Carta, a very important historical document. The cathedral also hosts abeautiful ornate cloister here, which is the largest in England.

Next to the church you can visit the Sailsbury Museum, which houses archaeological finds includingmany from nearby Stonehenge.


From Salisbury you can take a short drive or short bus ride (about 20 minutes) to the Stonehenge Vistors Centre, fromwhich you'll take a very short shuttle ride to reach the monument. The mystical Stonehengeis over 5,000 years old and is quite a sight to behold.

Only during the Summer Solstice Festival in mid-June can you get up close to the stones and walk amongst them,otherwise you can still admire these massive stones from approximately 100 feet (30 m) away.

Just north of Salisbury is the Old Sarum site, the remains of a 2,400 year old hilltop fortressfrom the Iron Age. Old Sarum is best reached after experiencing Stonehenge, since the bus returning to Salisburyhas a stop adjacent to the Old Sarum.

Avebury Stone Circle (Car Only)

If travelling by vehice, you might consider visiting the largest megalithic stone circle onEarth, Avebury. This Neolithic site was built around the time of Stonehenge and is located lessthan 20 miles (32 km) north of Stonehenge. 

Winchester, England

If travelling by car, you might begin your day by visiting the city of Winchester, where you'll find the 11th centuryWinchester Cathedral. This magnificent gothic church is one of the largest cathedrals in all ofEurope, hosts the tomb of Jane Austen, and was one of the filming locations for the Da Vinci Code movie.

Also in town you might visit The Great Hall, a medieval structure containing the alleged Round Tableof the legendary King Arthur.

If travelling by train, it's recommended to visit Winchester after Stonehenge (if you have plenty of time).Winchester is about 1.5 hours from Salisbury by train.

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