Budapest, hungary
Attractions Guide



Hungary's capital city is an amazing and beautiful place, which is actually comprised of two historic cities Buda andPest on opposite sides of the Danube River, which together make up the modern city. Perhaps the best way to see thecity is from a small river cruise along the Danube, of which there are many options to choose from.

Hungarian Parliament Building

The city's most iconic attraction is the massive Hungarian Parliament Building, a brilliant gothicstructure that sits on the river, which is best seen from a river cruise (or at least the opposite side of theriver). Be sure to see the building at night as well, as it is completely lit up in a grandiose fashion.

Buda Castle Complex

On the opposite side of the river are the city's other famous attractions, including the magnificent MatthiasChurch with its mosaic roof tiles, the fairy-tale like Fisherman's Bastion with itsterrace balconies overlooking Budapest, and the colossal Buda Castle, a massive baroque palace thathouses the Hungarian National Gallery and offers great views.

The Buda Castle also lights up at night and contains a fine castle garden as well as medieval structures to explorebelow it. Within the Buda Castle complex you might like to tour the Hospital in the Rock Bunker Museum, showcasingan interesting underground hospital used during WWII.

Szechenyi Chain Bridge & St. Stephen's Basilica

Near the Buda Castle you can walk across the iconic Szechenyi Chain Bridge which crosses the DanubeRiver. Not too far from here is the towering neoclassical St. Stephen's Basilica with its highlyembellished interiors. Nearby the basilica you can admire the majestic neoclassical Hungarian StateOpera, which offers tours of its extravagant interiors.

City Park Attractions

Heroes' Square & Vajdahunyad Castle

Much further from the river in the City Park you'll find the vast UNESCO listed Heroes' SquareMonument, another iconic emblem of the city. Nearby in the park is the stunning VajdahunyadCastle featuring incredible intricate architecture.

Szechenyi Thermal Bath

Yet another signifiant attraction in the park is the famous Szechenyi Thermal Bath, featuring hugethermal spring pools surrounded by an elegant baroque building. In the evening the palace becomes a giant nightclubpool party with DJs playing that's very popular.

City Park Museums

Within the park you'll also find the notable Kunsthalle Museum of contemporary art, as well asthe Museum of Fine Arts, both located on either side of Heroes' Square.


On the eastern side of the Danube River in Budapest's center you'll find several notable museums worth visiting. Oneof the most popular museums is the House of Terror Museum documenting the communist regime thattook over the country.

One of the city's best museum is the Hungarian National Museum with exhibits in archaeology,art, and history, housed in a lavish neoclassical building.

You should also strongly consider visiting the Museum of Applied Arts housed in an elegant artnouveau building, with its main feature being the elaborate white main room and stunningly intricate green andgold roof.

Dohany Street Synagogue

You might also like to see the Dohany Street Synagogue featuring remarkably ornate Moorisharchitecture and extravagant interiors. This beautiful synagogue is located north of the Hungarian National Museumnear the city center.

Citadella Fortress & Gellert Thermal Baths

Located on the western side of the Danube River to the south of the Buda Castle complex is the CitadellaFortress offering sweeping views over the city and river, as well as beautiful gardens along the hikeup to the fortification.

Just below the Citadella is another striking bath complex, the Gellert Thermal Bath, located withina massive art nouveau hotel, which you can visit without a reservation in the hotel. The bath complex features agrandiose indoor pool surrounded by neoclassical columns, as giant high-end outdoor pools.

Greater Budapest

Royal Palace of Godollo

Further out from Budapest are several noteworthy attractions, including the baroque pink Royal Palace ofGodollo with its lavish interiors, located to the east of the city.

Szentendre Skanzen

North of Budapest you'll find the Szentendre Skanzen Village Museum, an open-air museum showcasinghistorical folk life and traditional architecture and culture from the 18th through 20th centuries.

Visegrad Castle

Further north is the most popular attraction outside the city, the 13th century medieval VisegradCastle, a ruined medieval castle hosting amazing views over the Danube as well as exhibits. Be sure tovisit the Matyas Kiraly Museum below the castle, which is located within the ruins of a royal 13thcentury palace.

Esztergom, Hungary

To the west of Visegrad along the Danube is the imposing Basilica of Esztergom, a colossal domedNeoclassical structure with grandiose interiors. The basilica sits within the hilltop fortified walls of theEsztergom Castle complex. The castle's main structure adjacent to the basilica now serves as the EsztergomCastle Museum, hosting fascinating exhibits.

From the castle complex you can take in excellent views over the Danube River, which separates this part of Hungaryfrom Slovakia.

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