Silver Falls State Park, oregon
Attractions Guide


South of Portland is Silver Falls State Park, a miniature rainforest ecosystem featuring several huge waterfalls amongst an incredibly lush green landscape, with all of the waterfalls connected by a single creek. Along this creek is a system of pathways which reach all of the waterfalls of this micro rainforest.

Trail of Ten Falls (Long Route)

To see all of the waterfalls you can hike the popular Trail of Ten Falls, which connects all of the park's waterfalls via an extremely scenic 7.2 mile (11.6 km) hike through this rainforest-like environment.

Moderate Hiking Route

Alternatively you can see the park's largest waterfalls with a much shorter amount of hiking. To do this you can drive up to North Falls and take a short hike of about 0.8 miles (1.3 km) round-trip to see this incredible waterfall and even walk underneath it.

Next you would hike from the South Falls Cafe to South Falls following the trail around to Middle North Falls and then to Winter Falls, before reaching the Rim Trail and looping back for. This route is a total of 4.3 miles (6.9 km) and passes most of the waterfalls in the park, excluding Twin Falls and Upper North Falls.

If you'd really like to see Upper North Falls without hiking the entire trail, this waterfall can be viewed with a short 0.7 mile round-trip hike from the same parking lot as North Falls.

Short Hiking Route

For an even shorter route you can hike to two of the park's most impressive waterfalls, South Falls and Lower South Falls, before looping back for a round-trip hike of about 2.5 miles (4 km).

If you're able though, the full Trail of the Ten Falls hiking route is highly recommended, otherwise be sure to at least see the park's most stunning waterfalls; North Falls, South Falls, and Lower South Falls.

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