Avila & Salamanca, spain
Attractions Guide

Avila, Spain

The city of Avila is located just west of Madrid and is famous for the vast medieval Walls of Avila which surround the city's historic center. These imposing walls are extremely well-preserved and also a UNESCO world heritage site. Be sure to spend some time walk along the top of the walls as well.

You can access Avila's walls from three points, including the Puerta de Alcazar gate and the Tourism Office along the eastern side of the walls, and the Muralla de Avila Acceso Puente on the northwestern side of the walls.

Along the eastern Walls of Avila is the Catedral de Avila (Avila Cathedral), a gothic church built in the Middle Ages with complex architecture and an impressive interior. Just northeast of the walled city is the San Vicente Basilica, a striking 11th century structure with beautiful romanesque architecture.

Atop a hill on the northwestern side of the city is the Cuatro Postes, a columned monument hosting incredible views overlooking the Walls of Avila. The entire length of the city's walls light up at night and are a beautiful sight to behold.

Salamanca, Spain

Further northwest from Avila is the ancient city of Salamanca, whose Old Town is a UNESCO world heritage site. Salamanca is known for its lovely sandstone buildings.

The city's most iconic sight is the massive New Cathedral of Salamanca, a highly ornate church showcasing an elegant blend of gothic and baroque architecture. You can access the rooftop of the cathedral in order to take in excellent views over the Old Town. Adjacent is the much smaller Old Cathedral of Salamanca, which was built during the 12th century.

Another impressive religious building nearby the Salamanca Cathedral is the Convent of San Esteban, a highly embellished Dominican monastery with a beautiful cloister. Also nearby is the stunning Casa de las Conchas, a unique gothic palace adorned with hundreds of shells on its exterior.

Salamanca's largest public square is the Plaza Mayor, which is surrounded on all four sides by elegant baroque buildings, lined with arcaded columns. The plaza is said to be among the most beautiful in Spain, and is a lovely sight during the evening when the plaza lights up.

Spanning the Tormes River on the southern side of the Old Town is the city's iconic Puente Romano, a long stone bridge originally built by Ancient Rome. The bridge is a great spot to enjoy views looking back at the Old Town, as well as looking over the river.

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