Carcassonne & Nimes, france
Attractions Guide

Route including Nimes and Carcassonne

This itinerary combines the city of Nimes and the vast castle-like fortified Cite de Carcassonne citadel together in one day. The distance between Nimes and Carcassonne is approximately 2 hours directly by train, which also departs about every 2 hours. Plan to start you day as early as possible and only very briefly explore Nimes, as you'll want several hours to explore Carcassonne during the day.

If you're continuing to Barcelona from Carcassonne, be aware that the last trains depart from Carcassonne quite early in the evening before sunset. Luckily there are buses that run later to Barcelona, however this transportation option takes twice as long. Departing in the morning to Barcelona from Carcassonne is also an option to consider. The train ride from Carcassonne to Barcelona takes just under 2.5 hours.

Nimes, France

The city of Nimes has along history and has been continuously occupied since it was an ancient Roman city. The city's most stunning attraction is the 2,000 year old Arena of Nimes, which was originally built as an ancient bullfighting ring. This arena has been remarkably well-preserved and is quite an incredible sight.

Another extraordinary structure in the city is the Maison Carree, a beautifully restored ancient Roman temple with giant columns.

Northwest of the historic city center is the elegant 17th century Jardin de la Fontaine (Gardens of the Fountain) park, which is built around the ruins of an ancient Roman bath house. Within the park you'll find the impressive ruins of the ancient Temple de Diane. Towering above this park is La Tour Magne, an ancient Roman watchtower which you can climb for amazing panoramic views overlooking Nimes.

Carcassonne Castle / Citadel

Among the most popular attractions in France is the Cite de Carcassonne, a massive fortified medieval city and UNESCO world heritage site. The citadel of Carcassonne is famous for its idealistic castle-like walls, which tower above the modern city.

The citadel's most popular feature is the Chateau Comtal, a stunning 12th century castle located within the fortified city walls. The castle features a museum and allows you access to walk atop part of Carcassonne's walls. In addition to exploring along the citadel's walls, be sure to see the striking gothic exterior of the 12th century Basilique Saint Nazaire church.

The citadel is only accessible from two entrances, the Porte Narbonnaise on the eastern side of the walls and the Porte de l'Aude on the western side. It's highly recommended to see both of these impressive medieval gates.

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